Florian Neukart describes methods for interpreting signals in the human brain in combination with state of the art AI, allowing for the creation of artificial conscious entities (ACE). Key methods are to establish a symbiotic relationship between a biological brain, sensors, AI and quantum hard- and software, resulting in solutions for the continuous consciousness-problem as well as other state of the art problems. The research conducted by the author attracts considerable attention, as there is a deep urge for people to understand what advanced technology means in terms of the future of mankind. This work marks the beginning of a journey – the journey towards machines with conscious action and artificially accelerated human evolution. .eText ISBN: 9783658161767
Reverse Engineering the Mind: Consciously Acting Machines and Accelerated Evolution Ebook (okabook.shop)
eText ISBN: 9783658161767
Category: Ebook
Tag: okabook.shop